Tuesday, November 1, 2005
New drinking policy during Homecoming
UAPD to check IDs on Mall
Students planning to drink on the UA Mall during Homecoming weekend will have to abide by the new drinking policy and pass through security guards who will be checking to make sure everyone is of legal drinking age.
The Alumni Association plans and runs the Homecoming events on the UA Mall, and this year it will be erecting a wall to define the "area of consumption" of alcohol to help in reducing the amount of underage drinkers in and around the tailgating tents, said Angie Ballard, the Alumni Association's director of Homecoming.
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Student senator to undergo surgery
Loehman may have to resign from post on ASUA senate
A student government senator will be undergoing spinal cord surgery today to alleviate the pain and discomfort which has left him powerless in performing tasks as small as gripping a pen to complete homework assignments.
Associated Students of the University of Arizona Sen. Matt Loehman has been suffering from spinal stenosis since late July, a condition in which the spinal cord becomes narrowed and circulation in the arms and legs becomes limited.
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Gas prices on the decline
The average price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline in Tucson has dropped nearly 30 cents in the past month and may continue to decline, sources said.
Tucson set a record for gas prices on Sept. 9 with a gallon going for an average of $3.06. Today, the average price for a gallon of unleaded gas at stations near campus is $2.51.
Students said they are pleased with the current trend in declining gas prices.
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UA: Grad rates not up enough
Although administrators have boosted four-year graduation rates to 32 percent this year, they say the university is still failing to help students achieve the goal of earning a degree on time.
The increase of 32 percent, up from 23 percent in 1997, still falls far short of improving the possibility for students to finish in four years, officials said.
Hindrances such as class availability and a lack of financial aid are just a few of the problems the UA will have to tackle in order to increase the graduation rate another 13 percent within the next eight years.
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UA mock court convicts Bush
Organizers said spectator turnout lower than expected
President George W. Bush was "found guilty" on two counts of war crimes in a mock trial held yesterday at the Alumni Plaza.
During a week of indictments plaguing White House officials, law students simulated what would happen if the International Criminal Court tried Bush for crimes made during the war on Iraq and for allowing abuse of war prisoners by the U.S. military.
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Quick Hits
UA ranks fifth in Playboy hottest girl list
The UA was ranked No. 5 in Playboy's list of the colleges with the best-looking women.
According to the www.playboy.com article "Where the Babes Are," this is the first time such a list has been published.
Seven judges were polled for their favorite college picks. The "experts" enlisted to create the list included photographers and photo editors who took pictures of college students from all over the country for Playboy's college issues.
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Fast Facts
Things you've always never wanted to know
Bugs hold special places in the hearts of many Japanese, who often keep crickets, beetles and fireflies as pets. Their calls are considered soothing and remind the nature-loving Japanese of a simpler, less hectic age.
Ten cords of wood stacked 4 feet wide by 4 feet high by 80 feet long have the same heating potential as 1,400 gallons of oil.
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