Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Survey says Spanish sought?
Spanish is the new trendy language. Much like The Postal Service, the rhythms are catchy, the lyrics are hip and the sound is unique. Its listeners are also growing at an impressive rate.
It is to no surprise, then, that a member of our student government is currently touting a proposal to have the Arizona Daily Wildcat include Spanish articles.
"What a wonderful, novel idea," I initially thought. Majoring in Spanish myself, the thought tickled my soul and warmed the cockles of my bilingual heart.
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Editorial: Skewering 'Scalito'
The nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court should come as no surprise to the American public. Battered by a bruising series of political defeats last week, President Bush was more than willing to play the role of the prodigal son, offering up an acceptably conservative judge as a mea culpa to the restless religious right.
At first blush, the strategy looks to be a successful one. The cantankerous conservatives who so swiftly derailed the nomination of Harriet Miers have offered nothing short of full-throated support, and Alito has received unequivocal endorsements across the Republican spectrum.
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Disgruntled UA neighbors at fault for living near campus
For those people who complain about students being loud living near campus ("Neighbors: We're held captive by students"), just move. Tucson is powered by students, the money comes from all the students, and if you live near campus and are surprised that students may be loud then, well, you are dumb. There are two big employers in Tucson - the military and the college. If you want quiet move away from the college; otherwise, pipe down. The college kids bring a lot of cash to local businesses and keep the city running. It's your own fault for living near a college campus.
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