Josh Fields/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Students in the Zona Zoo section cheer during the game against Oregon at Arizona Stadium on Oct. 22. Student government is asking students to muster up all their school spirit and wear only red to the Homecoming football game.
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, November 4, 2005
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A raid on student aid
Student leaders tabled on the UA Mall yesterday to make students aware of a bill in Congress that could strip billions of dollars in financial aid out of students' pockets.
Members of the Arizona Students' Association and the Graduate and Professional Student Council stood in front of a huge poster that outlined Arizona Congressional districts and listed the phone numbers of the eight members representing Arizona in the House of Representatives.
The group members handed out a flier outlining its reasons for opposing the bill and a script for students who wanted to call their member of Congress in protest of it.
Their primary concern is a budget reconciliation bill currently being considered in the U.S. Congress, H.R. 609, which could strip as much as $15 billion out of higher education financial aid programs, said Chris Dang, a member of ASA and political science senior.
"When looking at the size of the cut (of funding) versus the impact of the 600-plus universities, it is an unnecessary cut," Dang said.
If passed, the bill would be the largest budget cut in education history, Dang said.
According to an ASUA press release, H.R. 609 would freeze funding for Federal Work Study programs, would continue a three-year-long freeze of need-based aid and ignores recommendations to significantly increase Pell Grants.
Paul Thorn, GPSC external affairs vice president, said the bill would effectively raise the price of education for students.
More than 40 students who heard this news telephoned their representatives' offices voicing their dismay, said Andrew Record, a member of ASA and political science senior.
Both the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the GPSC unanimously approved resolutions opposing the cuts in funding in the last two weeks.
A second information booth will be set up next week as a vote on the bill comes to the floor of the House.
- By J. Ferguson
Zona Zoo: 'red-out' and 'bear down'
Zona Zoo organizers are asking students to forget about fall fashion for the Homecoming game and sport one color: red.
Building off the UA football team's win last week, Zona Zoo wants to bring back the "red-out," when students wear only red from head to toe, for tomorrow's game against the University of California, Los Angeles, said Amber Harryman, ASUA spirit director.
A student who chooses to wear other colors to the game can stick out like a sore thumb, Harryman said.
"I just don't understand why they come to UA games in green and yellow," said Harryman, a classics junior. "They look ridiculous."
Chris Cody, a pre-architecture freshman, said he's been to all the football games this year and will wear a red T-shirt tomorrow to support the team.
"(The red-out) sounds good," Cody said. "It'll encourage more people to represent their school and be unified."
Cody said though he expects the team to improve over the next two years, the players will have to work hard to beat UCLA.
"It'll be a close game," he said.
Willie Tuitama, who will be the starting quarterback for his first home game tomorrow, said a hyped up student section could make a big difference in the day.
"It's basically all red anyway, but looking up to see a sea of red is cool," said Tuitama, an undeclared freshman.
The crowd's support at the games is also encouraging, Tuitama said.
"It's a good feeling knowing they're behind me," Tuitama said. "Having the crowd really pumped up the defense and helped them stay in the game. We're gonna need it (again) this week 'cause UCLA is a good team."
Harryman said students need to take initiative with showing their spirit, and they can do that tomorrow by going all-out.
"It's up to students to make their student section awesome," Harryman said. "So get creative."
- By Anthony D. Ávila
UA's scholarly research highlighted at Student Showcase
Some of the best student research being performed at the UA will go on display today in the 13th annual Student Showcase.
Hosted by the GPSC, Student Showcase will highlight undergraduate and graduate research in areas like agriculture, architecture, engineering, music, medical, biological, nursing and social sciences and will be held during Homecoming.
Students will set up their exhibits in front of the UA Main Library for the display today and tomorrow.
Amanda Brobbel, Student Showcase director, said this year's event is the largest ever, with 121 exhibits planned for the event.
A last-minute $12,000 grant from computer manufacturer Gateway allowed for more exhibits than originally planned, Brobbel said.
Initially, Brobbel said she hoped to have resources for 90 exhibits for this year's Student Showcase. Last year, GPSC had more than 110 exhibits.
GPSC President Elaine Ulrich said she was excited about the event, saying it was an excellent opportunity for students to display their academic work to a broad audience.
Brobbel said the exhibits are separated into 12 categories for judging, with graduate work and undergraduate work being judged separately.
Each category offers a $250 first-place prize and a $100 second-place prize, with a judging panel comprising students, professors and members of the community, Brobbel said.
A president's prize, worth $500, will be awarded to the exhibit considered by the judges to highlight the best research at the exposition.
Another prize, a $250 community outreach award, will be given to the most popular project.
Winners from each category will go to Phoenix in February to highlight UA academic research to state legislators and members of the Arizona Board of Regents, Brobbel said.
The budget for Student Showcase is $30,000, Brobbel said. A large portion of funding for Student Showcase is coming from the Office for the Vice President for Research, with the Provost's Office and President's Office also contributing to the budget.
Fundraising and donations make up the rest of the budget, although GPSC will have to cover any budget shortfalls, Brobbel said.
- By J. Ferguson