Thursday, January 12, 2006
Both sides complain to Dean of Students
Student body president Cade Bernsen fired five student officials Tuesday, including three Arizona Students' Association directors and two cabinet members, sources said.
Bernsen, the Associated Students of the University of Arizona president, sent dismissal letters and e-mails to ASA directors Fernando Ascencio, Andrew Record and Christopher Dang, as well as Breanne Bushu, the cabinet coordinator, and Rebecca Rodl, the assistant elections commissioner.
[Read article]
· Senate meeting yields no date for impeachment trial |
· White men dominating presidential pool |
· Former student enters plea in 2004 Coulter pie assault |
· UA, Sonoran cancer centers sign binational agreement |
· Engineering prof dies |
We're pretty much obsessed with things that aren't happening. The headlines the other day on one of the Internet's top portals announced that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were not expecting a child, and that Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn weren't engaged.
And at the same time, actual things are happening, and we're barely noticing.
A study published by the Lancet, Britain's leading medical journal, reported last week that over 32,000 people die monthly in the Congo. Between 1998 and 2004, nearly 4 million people died in the African nation. Four million. The number is incomprehensible.
[Read article]
· Stern starts trend away from regulation |
· Editorial: Senate: Walk softly and carry a big stick |
Latest Issue: January 12, 2006
Latest Issue: December 6, 2005
Fire twirling, sword swallowing on club's weekly agenda
There's a little pyromaniac in all of us. Blame our caveman
instincts, but our fascination with this force of nature - both
destructive and life-sustaining - starts with childhood, where
experiments with a Zippo lighter and your mother's industrial-sized can
of hairspray gives you hours of fun and, if you're lucky, a brand-new
set of eyebrows. [Read
article] |