Thursday, January 19, 2006
Students, profs both play full-class waiting game
"Welcome to the first day of class. I'll be your professor this semester. I see we have more people in here than are registered. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to add anyone."
Most students have heard something like this from a professor during their time at the UA. With the rampant class-availability problems that define to a certain extent the undergraduate experience here, we're accustomed to rituals such as the "sorry, but the class is full" speech on the first day of class.
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Wildcat responsible for Bernsen's election
Editor's note: Jacob Reuben was the opponent Cade Bernsen defeated in last year's Associated Students of the University of Arizona election.
I find it sadly ironic that the Daily Wildcat is calling for Cade Bernsen's resignation. I find it even more disappointing to note that the editorial board lays the blame for this embarrassing situation at the feet of the student body and Bernsen himself, but the board accepts none of the responsibility for its role. It was just a few short months ago that this same entity (with some of the same members) had a significant impact on the outcome of the election that put this individual into office.
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EDITORIAL: Education before profit
Next president should run UA cost-effectively, but not at students' expense
By all accounts, campus power players seem to be exceedingly pleased, if not downright giddy, with the four finalists for UA president.
There seems to be no weak candidate of the four, and the search committee should be applauded for finding finalists who are diverse.
Yet while Tom Campbell, Deborah Freund, Yash P. Gupta and Robert Shelton appear different at first glance, Campbell, Freund and Gupta are, in reality, cut from the same cloth - business.
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