Thursday, November 4, 2004

A man entered an occupied community shower room in Apache-Santa Cruz Residence Hall, 1420 E. Fifth St., and approached a showering student at 10:10 p.m. Sunday, according to a press release issued by the University of Arizona Police Department.
The man walked through an unlocked door into the bathroom and confronted a female student who was showering, according to the release.
The man stared at the student and then entered an adjoining stall.
[Read article]


Administration should survey students more
As we recover from post-election depression/jubilation, certain things that had been staples in our lives now disappear into their vault for another four years: Democrats, bumper stickers, negative ads.
But there's one thing that we should wish didn't go away: surveys. Over the past year, we've heard countless references to polls about what the country thinks about Kerry, what Arizona thinks about the war, and what young voters think about gay marriage.
[Read article]
· Editorial: Do away with the initiative process |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: October 28, 2004
