Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Students from the College of Medicine threatened to split from the Graduate and Professional Student Council during a forum yesterday, citing a lack of medical student representation in GPSC.
Doug Hartz, former ASUA president and member of the Medical Student Government, said the priorities of GPSC are not in tune with students in the College of Medicine and said a proposed separation from GPSC would better serve the needs of medical students.
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We the people... state needs civics lesson
Attend any high school and a student would learn that America is a representative republic. Ask any student and they can quote parts of the Gettysburg Address: "We the people...."
But it appears that both government officials and interest groups in the state of Arizona have forgotten what they learned in high school government class.
With the passing of Proposition 200 and similar legislation, we have seen the state, its municipalities, and special interest groups try to thwart the collective will of the people.
[Read article]
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Latest Issue: November 10, 2004
