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Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
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Laura Keslar

Laura Keslar

Keslar is a pre-pharmacy junior and a returning columnist from the desert wasteland otherwise known as Yuma. She fears chickens, ducks and other assorted fowl, and would rather see them on the dinner plate than walking anywhere near her. While she still maintains her massive collection of Donald Rumsfeld pictures, she has plans of spending less time drooling and more time emulating that handsome old man. Other old, possibly dead, men she loves and tries to emulate include Barry Goldwater and F.A. Hayek. She has become addicted to not only the time-old stimlant coffee, but she has also joined the masses in their addiction to blogging, LiveJournal and Thefacebook. Her column will appear Mondays.

Matt Gray

Matt Gray

Gray is a second-year law student with degrees in philosophy and political science. He grew up in Tucson, went to Arizona State University as an undergraduate, then returned to the UA for law school. He spends the few waking hours that he isn't studying law (or at least annoying others in the law library) with his fiancee Katie (who is way out of his league). He enjoys writing about the law, social policy and the amazing extent to which the Red Sox are better than the Yankees. His column will appear Fridays.

Dan Post

Dan Post

Post is an anthropology and ecology senior from Sarasota, Fla. A past resident of Ohio, he appreciates the beautiful weather, scenery and laid-back attitude of Tucson. Dan will probably stay here after he graduates in December and try teaching high school. He has maintained at least one allegiance to Ohio, and that is to the Cleveland Indians, a tortured franchise that hasn't won a World Series since 1948. He is a self-described conservationist and does what he can to "toe the line" by enjoying the benefits and wonderments of modern technology - he swears by his iPod and satellite radio - while cutting back on his meat-eating. His column will appear Thursdays.

Rui Wang

Rui Wang

Wang is a third-year law student who is being dragged kicking and screaming to the brink of graduation and "the real world." She harbors hopes of someday going to art school, but isn't sure if it's respectable to attend even more school after 19 years of it already. She plays bass in the rockin'est and most awesome law school band in Tucson - the Well Hung Jury. From previous experience, she also knows how to fit a drum set, two amplifiers, two guitars and three people inside a Volkswagen Golf. She would like to be a rock star - talent be damned! - and tour the country in the aforementioned Golf, consuming nothing but hamburgers and beer. Her column will appear Wednesdays.

Damion LeeNatali

Damion LeeNatali

LeeNatali is a boyish-looking political science and history sophomore from Denver. He is puzzled by the fact that professors often mistake him for a visiting high school student, as he is quite capable of doing the only things that are usually required of college students - nodding in unison and occasionally pretending to have done the reading from a textbook he has not yet purchased. He is genuinely concerned about the state of public education in this nation, and he hopes to confront a number of pressing issues in the semester to come (not the least of which is the sudden but unexplainable proliferation of Ugg boots). His column will appear Fridays.

Caitlin Hall

Caitlin Hall

Hall is a senior majoring in biochemistry and philosophy. She wrote a column in the Wildcat opinions pages for three semesters, was opinions editor for two and last semester served as editor in chief. She also wrote a column on sex and dating, "Under Covers," which was published weekly in the Wildcat during the spring 2004 semester. Her interests include political philosophy, poker, zombie movies, minesweeper and the Shanty. Her column will appear Wednesdays.

Jonathan Riches

Jonathan Riches

Riches is a first-year law student who has returned to his native Arizona after having spent four years at Boston College, including one year abroad at Oxford University. He enjoys world travel, foreign affairs and current events. He was at one time an amateur boxer but now settles for his physical release at the Student Recreation Center. Jonathan draws his inspirations from C.S. Lewis, The Economist and the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal. He hopes to work in the field of national security in a career that sends him to the far corners of the globe, or at least, outside the boundaries of Pima County. His column will appear Mondays.

Keren G. Raz

Keren G. Raz

Raz is a senior majoring in English and political science who first started working at the Arizona Daily Wildcat during her sophomore year as a reporter covering the UA administration. She spent her junior year as news editor, and then this past summer she joined the opinions desk, writing columns during her travels through Asia. If there is one aspect of the college experience that has impacted Raz the most, it would be her travels around the world. Since graduating high school, she has visited 20 countries and three continents. She spent two summers touring Europe and one summer working with handicapped students in Peru. Last summer she taught English to children in China and toured Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Bali with an economic development nonprofit. Her column will appear Thursdays.

Dillon Fishman

Dillon Fishman

Fishman is third-year law student who, after graduating this May, will be on active duty as a Marine Corps judge advocate officer. He enjoys law school so much that he's scheduled all of his classes on Tuesdays this semester. Aside from giving him a six-day weekend, that means he'll have more time to write his Wildcat columns. And he hopes that free time will translate into columns that will get a reaction from you. Friendly mail, indifferent mail, "Please move to Iraq" mail - it doesn't matter to him. He just wants your feedback on his columns and related topics. His column will appear Tuesdays.

Ryan Johnson


Ryan Johnson

Johnson is a junior majoring in economics and international studies. He joined the Wildcat his freshman year as a news reporter, then returned as a columnist following a semester in Santiago, Chile. This semester he takes over as opinions editor, overseeing the columnists as well as opinions board and the comics. His hobbies include basketball, rock climbing and reading such publications as The Economist, The New York Times and This semester he hopes to stir debate, provoke thought, and more than anything, publish countless interesting letters to the editor.

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