Tucson and Campus Calendar
PHOTO COURTESY OF Cal productions
G. Love and Special Sauce - The "Rodeo Clowns" will be out in full force for Philly-born-and-raised G. Love and Co.'s return to Tucson, tonight at 8 at City Limits, 6350 E. Tanque Verde Road.
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, January 20, 2005
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G. Love and Special Sauce - Do you like the Sauce? Haha! Man, Rob Schneider is the coolest. Performing with Kaki King. City Limits, 6350 E. Tanque Verde Road. $20 733-6262. 8 p.m.
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Live TheatreWorkshop presents Shakespeare's romantic comedy. Maybe they'll be wearing tights, maybe they won't. Live Theatre Workshop, 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 327-4242. $8-$10. 10:30 p.m.
Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra - Jazz ensemble led by renowned trumpeter Wynton Marsalis. Cheap tickets available for the kids. 7:30 p.m. $10 - $62 621-3341. Centennial Hall
FREE Maynard Dixon - Lecture and public reception for the opening of the UA Museum's exhibit on Southwest plains painter Maynard Dixon. 621-9507. 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Center for Creative Photography Auditorium
FREE "Love of Machines" - Opening reception for "Love of Machines," an exhibit with nine interactive sculptures by Tucson's Creative Machines Inc. With performances by pyrotechnic troupe Flam Chen and others. Everybody loves fire. Joseph Gross Gallery. 626-4215. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
FREE "Before Sunset" - Sequel to 1995's "Before Sunrise" with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke. Find out if they do it again. 621-3527. Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, Room 120. 7:30 p.m.
Howe Gelb Tsunami Relief Cabaret - Things will get swanky for a good cause with Gelb on piano with appetizers and cocktails to boot. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $5 suggested donation. 6:30 p.m. 622-8848
All ages local acts galore rock show - Galactic Federation of Love and No Bunny among others. Skarappy's 201 E. Broadway Blvd. 358-4287. $5. 7 p.m.
"The Importance of Being Earnest" - Oscar Wilde's classic satire. Live Theatre Workshop, 5317 E. Speedway Blvd. 7:30 p.m. 327-4242. $15
FREE Dillinger Days Street Fest - Daylong festival with events at Hotel Congress, the Arizona Historical Museum and more. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 547-3338
The Album Leaf - Get all relaxed and junk to the dreamy tunes of this San Diego act. They're featured on "The OC!" With Rogue Wave. Solar Culture, 31 E. Toole Ave. 884-0874. 9 p.m. $7
Harlem Globetrotters - "2005 World of Fun North American Tour." Ask them about the time they were on "Scooby Doo." Tucson Convention Center Arena, 260 S. Church Ave. $12.75 - $76. 2 p.m. 321-1000.
"Uncovered: The War on Iraq" - Do you still hate Bush? Get enraged all over again and use this documentary to fight with your parents. Wilde Playhouse, 135 E. Congress St. $5. 7 p.m. 770-1000
UApresents Ladysmith Black Mambazo's "The Long Walk to Freedom" - Dance and voice ensemble of Paul Simon's "Graceland" fame tell the story of Nelson Mandela's release from prison. 7:30 p.m. $10-$29. 621-3341
White Garden - Love story surrounding the lives of three female authors in 1940s England. $15. Temple of Music and Art Cabaret Theatre. 330 S. Scott Ave. 792-6590. 8 p.m.
21+ Visqueen - Poppy trio straight outta Seattle, not Compton. With Fistsized, Ride the Tiger, 9 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. 622-8848
Wanda Jackson - Rockabilly legend will perform with the Cadillac Angels. $10. 9 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. 798-1302
FREE Reading - Author Guy R. McPherson will read from his book "Killing the Natives: Has the American Dream Become a Nightmare?" UofA Bookstore. 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. 621-2426
Tift Merritt - With Tres Chicas opening, both bands come out of Raleigh, N.C. Go Tar Heels! $10. 9:45 p.m. Plush, 340 E. Sixth St. 798-1302
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