Thursday, February 10, 2005
Tax cuts for the rich, increased military spending, corporate giveaways in the major entitlement programs and cuts in programs that serve the needy in society to pay for it all. Compassionate conservatism is back in full swing.
Now that Sept. 11, 2001 is in the rear-view mirror and George Bush won a second term, the Bush administration has run out of political excuses to substantially increase spending.
Demanded and pressured by market forces (foreign investors concerned about over-borrowing and the weak dollar), the Bush administration released a fiscal year 2006 budget proposal that attempts to stem America's rising deficit by cutting numerous discretionary programs that help the poor. If implemented, the yearly deficit would remain basically stationary.
[Read article]
· Editorial: Bring on program fees |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: February 3, 2005
