APRIL 14, 1994

Vito seeks to set priorities as dean

Election rules to change

Computers can bring UA home

Regents meet about tuition

American Indian culture still threatened

Keisling's sarcasm pinpoints trouble with prison system

Breakin' the law

Rewarding research should not penalize teaching

Money allotted for bicycle cops should be used to battle crime

Greeks need to clear the air about their role on campus and in community

Police Beat

On Campus

College's court computerized

Accessibility advocate dies Monday at 53

International films flock to desert

Christy Moody...

Musician's career just one big blur

'With Honors' poorly mixes bad with good

Irving claims to be 'best riot grrrl band' in Tucson

Masters Exhibition hosts UA's finest art

Piano man, Christie Brinkley calling it quits

Scotland invades Sunday

Slob slurps soda from soup bowl

Baseball team dealing with an array of problems

Bell says mediocre record doesn't tell the whole story

Men face rival ASU in hotly-contested matchup