Female officer in men's locker room raises questions

The UAPD deserves kudos for their progressive attitude regarding sexual equality. Specifically I am referring to the presence of an attractive uniformed female UAPD officer, with a male counterpart also present, in the male locker room at the Student Recreation Center on Friday, Feb. 16. at 2100 hours (9 p.m.).

The attractive female officer was obtaining information from a clothed and seated male over what to me sounded like some sort of investigation. Having been in the shower, I thought I heard a female voice but thought no more of it until I went to spin dry my swimsuit, during which time I passed the group twice. The fact that I passed within about eight feet of the female officer, and in her line of sight, while I was totally naked is not the point because after all, she never took her eyes off the seated man to look at me.

So then what is the point of this letter you may ask?

I just wanted to know if the male UAPD officers get to enter the female locker room under the same circumstances as long as they are accompanied by a female UAPD officer. I was disappointed to find the group gone after I had toweled off because they had been standing in front of the locker I had my clothes in, and I was looking forward to that encounter.

I found the entire incident amusing and wonder what the female officer thought of it as well. Can we get a vote taken for coed locker rooms or perhaps the Wildcat could conduct a poll.

Dare to be different Wildcat!

Roy R. Lorenz
astronomy/physics sophomore