Senators should understand duty


As an ASUA Senator, I find it disturbing to see a fellow senator lie to students and present a false picture of his so-called concern for their money being wasted. He claims to have not done his research before voting on a budget; how hard is it to see a program and service listed on the budget sheet and vote "yes" and not know what you are voting to approve? As a student at this university, I sure do not want my elected representatives voting on issues that they did not research and fully understand.

This country was founded on many principles, one being the Freedom of Speech. As an ASUA Senator, I value this right. Andrew Higgins is suggesting that students be limited in their speech allowing what a "certain group deems appropriate" to be printed or spoken. Where will his idea of limits end? The Greek system not being able to participate in activities, or residence halls from organizing, and individual students from protesting. I do not support what the Wildcat always prints or the photographs that a re laid out, but I make the choice to not read the article or look at the photograph. I do not want elected representatives deciding for me what is appropriate and inappropriate for me to read and view. Senator Higgins, you are a representative of this in stitution working for all students, especially since your stipend is through student fees. I suggest you start working on issues that affect all students, work to improve the system within ASUA, and become a true leader; not someone that stirs up controve rsy after the fact to namely gain support for reelection when you never bothered to voice your concerns about the budget before. I encourage all UA students to research their candidates before voting in the upcoming ASUA elections.

Gilbert Davidson
ASUA senator