Country 'terrible' to those of color


This letter is in response to the March 19 letter to the editor entitled "Beautiful country founded on freedom." I would like to start off by pointing out the many misconceptions of Scott D. Meadows' views of "U.S. history." This country was not founded o n freedom for everyone, rather it was founded on freedom for white people (mostly English). If you look at the fine print in your history book, Scott, you will read about the many terrible acts that this country has put people of color.

Lets begin with the oppression of African Americans. The founding fathers of this country are the same people that forced many slaves to come to this country. After that, we can proceed to the American Indians whose land the forefathers stole. Then come C hinese, who were banned from coming to this country because of the Chinese Exclusion Act. And finally, my raza, the Mexicanos whose land was stolen in the so-called name of freedom, while we continue to be persecuted with Proposition 187.

Now I ask you to tell me, how am I supposed to believe this country was based on freedom and justice for all, when the founding fathers were involved in all these crimes and seemed only to care about whites. This country may be one of the best countries around in terms of wealth, but in no way is it perfect. Yes, this country was based on freedom and justice, but at whose expense. You can tell me again and again to get out of this country because of my views; however, this land you and I are standing on belongs to my people, and I will not stop fighting until things are perfect. "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us," so you get the hell off Aztlan!

Alexandro Salomon Escamilla
political science freshman