We need solutions, not more problems


I am writing in response to the letter written by Christian Hatley, titled "Racist U.S. needs to update documents," that appeared in the Wildcat on March 4. My first point that I'd like to make for Mr. Hatley is that some of the points you make in your le tter are good points. The part about politicians being out of touch and not knowing what the country is like is a very valid point. However, you can't count on the politicians to make the changes. We have to do it. It's truly sad, but true. If we, as thei r constituents, can do our part in society to help the problem, and we do a good job at it, then they're bound to notice and take action. Part of the problem America has today is that too many people are always whining, and nobody is taking any action. An yone can whine, but it takes a lot bigger person to do more than that and correct the problem. Obviously, this is no small task by any means, but until someone takes it upon themselves and gets out there and does it, it will continually be a problem.

Which brings up my next point, of people in the past who have taken that initiative and gone out there and worked for their cause. In my opinion, one of the best examples of not only a leader, but a human being, was Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King made a ny sacrifice necessary to promote his cause, but he did it in a respectful, peaceful manner. People like this will accomplish more for their cause rather than the people who use violence.

My next point is regarding your statement about how you are "sick and tired of people telling me how great this country is." With all due respect, if you don't think this country is great then you have a serious problem. Just try leaving our country and g oing to any other country in the world, and I guarantee you that within a few days of being there, you will think twice about making that statement. Of course, there is always work to be done, but to talk about America like that is uncalled for. The found ing fathers may not have been perfect in all they did, but it is my opinion that they did a pretty good job from taking nothing and making it into something.

In conclusion, I would like to just say that America was a country founded on some pretty good principles, but not perfect principles. If we have a problem with something then we need to give our all and make a strong, peaceful effort to correct the probl em. If all we do is sit and whine, the problem will only increase and become more of a problem.

Edwin H. Grant
business economics and finance sophomore