The amount of time the university puts towards finding ground to level is frightening. It is not uncommon to hear of students and faculty complaining about the "parking problem" at the UA. What they are missing is the fact that there is no parking problem at the UA. A parking problem is exactly what the university needs. Perhaps more effort would be put towards encouraging alternate modes of commuting if parking a car was a true burden. I see untold numbers of students hopping in their cars to drive less than two miles (often less than two blocks), congest the university area (not to mention the air), struggle to find a space to park, then walk a good distance trying to make their way to class on time. It is true that not much can be done about those who live within a couple miles and are too lethargic to walk or ride a bike to school, but what about those who are afraid to try because of the conditions of their routes?
Instead of wasting time, space and money leveling people's homes and businesses to cater to the automobile, why doesn't the university improve the routes of the nonpolluting commuter? Parking spaces are necessary for some but not a right for all. Students should have to show some immediate need to drive to school everyday (each living more than four miles away or a physical disability) in order to get a parking permit. The university should continue to discourage driving to school and assist those who want to get to class on time and care about cutting down on pollution and congestion in Tucson.
As a personal note to all those students and faculty who live close to the UA and are perfectly able to walk or ride a bike but choose to zip on over in their pollution box: Tucson is unreal! The sun feels great this time of year! Try using your heart as your motor and stop stressing about a place to park.
Dan Taylor
communication senior