Instead of just offering our complaints about those pesky mall preachers, we would also like to make a suggestion. It is very true that the annoyance that is created on the mall is very intense. It is also true that they have every right to be there according to the Speaker's Corner sign.
However, we have two problems. First, many students like to hang out on the Mall in front of the Student Union and study. It is an ideal place to catch some rays, enjoy the fresh air and use studying as an excuse to check out the members of the fairer sex. The loud, monotonous voices of the Mall preachers many times interfere with this practice, and changing location does not bring about the same effects.
Our second problem is that the Speaker's Corner is located in the heart and soul of the campus, which we should be most proud of. Many prospective students tour the campus each day and, in our opinion, might be more reserved in making their decision to attend the UA once they hear about all of their sins and poor religious guidance. These students might be forced into deciding to settle for a lesser school, such as one with a mascot named "Sparky." (I wouldn't even name my dog "Sparky!").
We understand that many groups use Speaker's Corner, such as MEChA, various Greek organizations and many others. This is why we feel that Speaker's Corner is a must, but the tuition paying students should have their little sanctuary of comfort. Would it be possible to move the Speaker's Corner further to the east on the Mall about another 100 feet or so? This would put Speaker's Corner in between the cactus garden and the dry fountain. Anyone who would like to listen to the speakers would know exactly where to find them, as well as those who are not interested in participating. We hope that this matter will be investigated further and are looking forward to seeing the results.
Lance Hill, Bryce Gibson
civil engineering juniors