It was interesting to note that Ms. Fillerup was challenged by a smart-aleky education freshman ("Reader disgusted by content of Wildcat," Dec. 11) who suggested that Fillerup "listen to what the conservatives are saying ." My question is this: How can on e not help listening to what conservatives are saying?
Ms. Freshman Education seems to think that Rush Limbaugh has valid points pertaining to women, but women do not want to hear his so-called message to them. They do not because Mr. Limbaugh is anti-woman. And conservatives seem to see the olden days of th e 1950s as perfect for family, religious values and for good government.
I graduated from high school in the 1950s and there were many rummage sales each weekend to pay for illegal abortions resulting from unions between young women and married men, raped women who might not be so young or incested daughters and sisters. Some of those "patients" did not make it; and I don't think the Christian Coalition or Reverend Dave or some other guy is going to turn back the clock.
I suggest Jesse continue to speak out, as many of us are interested in hearing her viewpoints.
By June McWilliams Ford
Women's Studies Senior