Administrators respond to vigil

By Hanh Quach
Arizona Daily Wildcat
January 26, 1996

Two UA administrators joined in the third night of the MEChA protest in front of Kappa Sigma fraternity house yesterday.

Kappa Sigma members weaved around the picket line to reach their front gate.

With a crowd of roughly 35 anti-racism supporters, the multiethnic group picketed the fraternity house on 1423 E. Third Street demanding an apology from a Kappa Sigma member who they allege called a MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) member a "spic" during an intramural speed soccer game in September.

"We need to bring some understanding to the issue," said Jesse Hargrove, assistant dean of African American Student Affairs.

Hargrove said he plans to help the groups in the resolution process.

Armando Valenzuela, MEChA adviser and director of Chicano/Hispano Student Affairs and Resource Center was also present to support the MEChA protest.

"They've tried just about everything," Valenzuela said, remarking that meetings with fraternity leaders had so far been fruitless.

"They (MEChA members) are going about it the right way, not hassling or hurting anyone," he said.

"We're not going to start something for nothing," said J.J. Rico, political science sophomore, who joined the nightly MEChA ritual yesterday.

The ralliers urged passing cars to honk for their cause.

"I respect their passion," said Kappa Sigma President Scott Jeffery, "However, I do think they're going about it the wrong way."