McCollum 'insensitive' to disabled students


I am writing in reaction to the appointment of Ann Fowler as the Association of Students with Disabilities director at the Sept. 11 meeting of the Undergraduate Senate. After attending the meeting and observing how the process took place, I am shocked an d angered at the insensitivity and lack of understanding that Miss McCollum and the Senate had to issues presented against the appointment.

Issues were raised as to the amount of money that was spent last year on catering services. When members of ASD attempted to explain that the number used was an accounting error, the members were told that "this is not the place to discuss past issues." I f that was the case, then the issue should have never been brought up in the first place. Miss McCollum should know these rules of procedure, as she is the vice president of programs and services.

In addition, Miss Fowler stated at the meeting why she felt she was qualified to lead ASD and her concerns, including public awareness about the organization. She said she could possibly increase awareness with fliers or a mailing list of disabled people on campus. I have seen MANY fliers about ASD events, participated in them, and have grown to be good friends with many of the members of the group...and I am not disabled. In addition, confidentiality laws prohibit anyone from obtaining the names of a spe cific group of people.

I am also extremely outraged at Miss McCollum's comments regarding length of disability and the amount of sensitivity that one has to the issues surrounding it. As a special educator who works with the disabled on a daily basis, I find her comments offens ive and completely lacking in understanding and sensitivity to any disabled student on this campus, regardless of length of disability. If she has no experience with disabled issues, as she stated in the Wildcat, then she should not comment on such issues and make broad generalizations on nonexistent information until she personally experiences or works with this population.

I have no personal gripe with Miss Fowler. I have an issue with the process and Miss McCollum's insensitive attitudes toward students with disabilities. I hope that the Senate, and Miss McCollum in particular, would take some time to address this issue in a more thorough and fair manner.

Michael Moran
third year masters candidate
special education and rehabilitation