'Bumper-sticker' answers add nothing to the abortion debate


In response to Dewaine McBride's ridiculous letter to Adam ("Editor's naivet­ about abortion overwhelming," Sept 24), your answer is so simple-minded, it's hard to believe you successfully enrolled in this school. Each of your "bumper-sticker" answers has one thing in common - they all violate human rights. So does telling me what I can and cannot do with my body. You have, in fact, made Adam's point for him. Making abortion illegal, murdering me, making me a slave or discriminating against me, violates my human rights.

You go on to compare the need for tax laws to the right to choose what I do with my own body. Brilliant. They are so similar as to be the same. How could I have not seen it this clearly before? Why? Because I am not a moron, as you so clearly are. Government has no right to tell me, or any other woman, what I can and cannot do with my body.

Adam is right - if you don't believe in abortions, don't have one. If you don't think I should have one - mind your own damn business. I am curious, though, Dewaine, if the law was that you HAD to have an abortion, would you be so quick to defend the government then? Or would they be interfering with your rights and mine? You can't have it both ways.

Kendall Alexander
wildlife sciences sophomore
Office Assistant, Sr Financial Services Office