Dole 'obvious choice' over Clinton


In Richard M. Howell's letter of Oct. 9 ("Dole deserves our respect, but the issues say re-elect President Clinton"), he claims Clinton is the "obvious choice" over Dole because of three issues: education, environment and crime.

I too see "a big difference" between the candidates on these issues, but from a rather different perspective. Clinton wants to expand the power of teachers' unions, unelected policy makers and the federal bureaucracy; Dole wants to abolish the unconstitutional Department of Education and return control to states, counties, teachers (not unions) and parents.

Clinton believes environmental regulation is more important than private property (e.g., you can't build a deck on your home because it might cast a shadow on a "wetland"); Dole believes the opposite. Clinton believes the falsehood that "gun control" equals crime control (look at the latest right-to-carry stats); Dole wants to punish violent criminals and not law-abiding citizens.

I could go on. Clinton thinks taxes are too low; Dole thinks taxes are too high. Clinton wants women and gays in combat; Dole wants a strong national defense. Clinton legalized partial-birth abortion; Dole tried to outlaw it. Clinton is a liar and a cheat; Dole is an honorable man.

Do I respect Bill Clinton? Not a chance. Moreover, on the ISSUES that will shape our future; citizens vs. bureaucrats, socialism vs. liberty, decadence vs. virtue, Mr. Dole is the obvious choice.

John Keisling
Ph. D. candidate, mathematics