Gays and lesbians contribute to breakdown of family values


I am writing in response to the article "Come out, come out - wherever you are," Oct 11). I found it incredibly interesting and rather disgusting. I am very anti-gay. I believe that Anthony, the author, makes some very unnecessary and rather ignorant assumptions of the American society, such as when he says that the American society blames gays and lesbians for the increase in drug use, tobacco use, teen pregnancy and the increased abuse towards women and children. As far as I can see, the American society has never blamed gays and lesbians for those such things.

What I am aware of hearing controversy and blame about is that gays and lesbians are blamed for the break down in the American family and "family values." I agree with this 100 percent. I believe that gays and lesbians contribute to the breakdown of traditional family values because they live immoral and unnatural lives. It is in no way natural to engage in a "sexual" relationship with or date someone of the same sex. I also take offense to what he says about Christians and conservatives. I happen to be both and I believe that a 2,000 year old book, the Bible, will and should change our lives for the better. I also believe that gays and lesbians are responsible for the increased and very rapid spread of the HIV and AIDS viruses. Sure there are many heterosexuals who contribute to it also, but it is much more rampant in the homosexual community.

I just don't understand how people like Anthony can live their lives the way they do and be so blind to the world around them. The American society is quickly falling apart around us and something is obviously wrong. That something is the lifestyles, ideas and opinions of all those liberal people who believe that you should live for today and think about tomorrow some other time. Well its people like that who are causing our problems and making it very hard to fix them. They don't want to think about the consequences for their actions, well someone has to. Why should I have to pay for their stupid and immoral decisions?

Andrea R. Daugherty
psychology freshman