Seems government at any level is best at creating scandal. Not that its a bad thing - it gets apathetic slugs like myself off our buttocks to contribute to the debate. ASUA has once again made decisions that have proven to be rather, erm, unpopular with some of the student body. Five thousand dollars for Bobcats?!?! Insane! Cutting sport clubs?!?! Oh my god the world is ending! Both of these groups SHOULD be funded as they benefit the student body imensely. ASUA would be best to seriously reconsider the decision to cut sport club funding.
First, I must admit that I am president of the Cliffhangers Climbing Club. Yes, we are a sports club. Yes, we will have some of our funding cut due to this decision. And yes, we also get funding from ASUA directly. My experience with the appropriations board has been extremely positive this year. Even though I don't sometimes agree with their final decision (eg. when they don't give me all the money I ask for!), I have sensed a real desire on their part to be fair and consistent with funding.
Although I personally think that the recent money granted Bobcats for homecoming might be a tad excessive, the reasons for granting it are sound. Homecoming benefits the entire student body. While many students might not directly participate in the scheduled activities, everyone comes out ahead. Homecoming allows the university as a whole to present a unified face to the local community. I applaud the appropriations board for making such a gutsy decision to fund this event despite the appearance of favoritism.
Which is why I am personally having a hard time understanding why ASUA has decided to cut funding for sport clubs. Every argument given for funding homecoming ($5,000 dollars for a week long event) can be applied to sport clubs ($10,000 for the academic year). Many clubs participate in sports not considered varsity or intramural (eg. climbing, fencing). They act as ambassadors to a community that might not relate to football and basketball.
Sport clubs help to maintain relations with alumni. Common interests form personal ties that last a lifetime, keeping graduates who might "fall through the cracks" involved. I have seen many students who still feel strongly about Cliffhangers years after their graduation.
Of course the same can be said of all clubs. So why should sport clubs be singled out for special budget consideration? Why not make them apply directly to ASUA like every other club does? For the same reason Bobcats receive special consideration for homecoming, the funding needs are different from most requests that ASUA receives. ASUA is set up to fund special events hosted by clubs that are open to ALL university students such as special speakers and social events. Needs such as travel funds and equipment requests are given lower priority with ASUA. These are the lifeblood of sport clubs.
Sport clubs will still exist without ASUA funding, but their benefit to the campus community will be affected, just like homecoming would still happen with less money. But why present the students with mediocre opportunites? The Bobcats received the amount of money they need to make homecoming a superb and memorable event. It doesn't matter the size of the club because everyone loses if homecoming is a shoddy affair. Fund sport clubs at the level needed to ensure that the service they provide to the campus is top-notch.
Kenton White
graduate student
president, Cliffhangers Climbing Club
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