I am a member and treasurer for the men's club volleyball team. I am writing this letter in response to the story titled "ASUA eliminates sport club funding" (Nov. 14). I am extremely disgusted with Erin Russell's decision to cut funding of sport clubs over the next year. This unjustified decision reflects poor planning and management skills on the part of Ms. Russell. There is no reason for the allocation of cuts to be placed solely upon one facet of the ASUA budget. These cuts will dramatically reduce the quality and quantity of the existing sport clubs. It will also stop the progression of new club sports from developing. What does this result in? Students that want a sports organization to participate in will be forced to pay for expenses directly from their own pockets.
As for the volleyball team, we have annual expenses that average between $14,000 and $15,000. Despite our efforts to raise money on our own, ASUA funding is an integral source of revenue. With these cuts, our 22 member team will have to take more of these costs upon themselves. Ms. Russell, the obvious decision that needs to be made is to allocate the burden of these cuts equally among all clubs. Spreading the costs of the cuts over a greater amount of clubs (all of them) will result in less costs per club, rather than causing club sports to take the entire burden of these cuts.
Michael J. Wagner
finance junior