Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 27, 1998
Today on Campus
- Traverse the "Bridges Across the Seas: The Political Economy of the Black World" under the direction of Akwassi Osei. The African Studies Program and the College of Humanities present this lecture at noon in Room 100 of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Building.
- Theoretician Alan Hastings is giving a seminar today entitled, "The Role of Transient Dynamics in Population and Community Ecology." Join Hastings at 4 p.m. in Room 301 of BioSciences West.
- I didn't do anything, no one saw me do it, you can't prove anything. Find out if Bart Simpson's line can work for you at the "Mistakes and Moral Blameworthiness: An Account of the Excusing Force of Faultness Mistakes of Fact and Faultless Mistakes of Morality" seminar. Terry L. Price addresses this topic in Social Sciences, Room 140 at 3:30 this afternoon.
- Do your part in the "Conservation of Egypt Antiquities, From Monuments to Monasteries." Attend this lecture at 4 this afternoon to hear what Robert K. Vincent of the Egyptian Antiquities Project has to say in Room 127 of McClelland Hall.
- Thomas L. Wilson of Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn, speaks on "Isotope Ratios in Interstellar Molecules: Examining the Origin of the Elements." The lesson begins at 4 p.m. in Room 209 of Old Chemistry.
- compiled by Kate Longworth
