By Rebecca Loney ASUA donation unfairly criticizedEditor: In Rachel Flaherty's letter to the editor on September 12 (Child Care Funding is Insufficient) she seems to have completely misunderstood the article which she wrote about. The $1500 that ASUA approved for the Child Care Program was a DONATION (ie. a GIFT) to the Child Care Program. In no way was it intended to establish or completely fund the program. The Child Care Program falls under DSP (Department of Student Programs) not under ASUA. DSP is working very hard to increase the things that they can offer student parents and I am sure that they are happy to accept any donations to help them in their efforts. Next time, I suggest that Miss Flaherty think before she complains about someone not giving 'enough' money, or else she may discourage other organizations from trying to help, less they also be condemned for not helping 'enough'. Where would she be then? More importantly, where will the other students be, the ones who take the help they get and work to increase that help, rather than attempting to decrease it. Rebecca Loney