Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 7, 1997
Today on Campus
The Tucson Parks and Recreation Department will present a
Master Plan concept for the proposed 40-acre North Central District Park, and your review and comments on the plan are needed.
The meeting will be held at the UA Agricultural Center at 4101 N. Campbell Ave. at 7 tonight.
Improve your communicating skills at "The Role of Meaning in the
Matching Task" seminar presented by Csaba Veres. The seminar will be
held at 2 p.m. in Room 317B of the Psychology building.
- Want to land a good job? Develop an effective résumé
4 to 5 p.m. at the Employee Career Development Center at 1227 N. Santa Rita Ave.
This Résumé Writing Class is designed to discover the
of résumé best suited to employee's qualifications and to learn the kind of information that is relevant to each specific job experience. Class size is limited, so cal
l Marie Scavo at 621-2340 to register now. The class will be offered again on Oct. 22.
A chemistry seminar will be offered today at 4 p.m. in the
Chemistry and
Biology Sciences building, Room 216. Lucy M. Ziurys of the UA Department
of Chemistry will present "Gas-Phase Spectroscopy of Small
Metal-Containing Free Radicals: Examining Metal-Ligand Interactions."
