![[ NEWS ]](/images/fall97/newsf97.gif)


Arizona Daily Wildcat October 17, 1997
Today on Campus
- Travel the world and the seven seas as UApresents a World Stages Series.
Experience the music of Chile through tonight's show of "Inti-Illimani."
These songs bring the spirit of Chile to campus with more than 30 instruments,
from the guitar-like guitarron, cuatro and charango to haunting pipes like
the rondador, quena and zampona. Experience Chile at 8 p.m. in Centennial
Hall. Tickets are $15, $19 and $24, call 621-3341 to see which price applies
to you.
- In conjunction with Family Weekend, "Love Makes a Family: Living
in Lesbian and Gay Families" will be held in the Union Gallery
of Student Union from 5 to 7 p.m.
- Bring your lunch to "An Introduction to Resumes and CVs"
at noon in the Math building, Room 402. The basics of constructing résumés,
CVs, cover letters and thank you letters will be discussed.
- "Reuse" your money, by being an active recycling participant.
In honor of National Recycling Day, which was Wednesday, the University
of Arizona Resource Exchange is giving presentations on new programs
offered through the UA Recycling Office. Call 626-1266 to make an appointment
to witness this presentation.
- compiled by Kate Longworth
