By Peter Likins Likins responds to criticismEditor: In your edition of Oct. 21, a letter from Rachael Reinhartdt and Julie Burkhart calls for a clear statement from me on building projects, noting that my support for the Integrated Instructional Facility (IIF) has been definitive and my endorsement of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) project on Mount Graham has been equivocal. I understand the criticism, and will try to clarify my position. Firstly, I should be clear about the fact that neither project requires my endorsement to go forward. Both projects have already received presidential approval and are proceeding toward completion. My approval is not required, but I have a responsibility to study both projects and develop a sufficiently deep understanding of relevant issues to define my own position in any future discussions. Because the IIF project was on the Regents' agenda for the September meeting, I studied the proposal carefully, even though I was not yet president when the approvals were granted. I've been concerned about the fact that only three out of four UA freshmen become sophomores, and sensitive to the need to pay special attention to the freshman experience on our campus. The IIF has the potential to impact the freshman learning experience positively, and the building is a well conceived solution to a difficult architectural problem. I was pleased that the Regents supported the project, and look forward to its completion. I have expressed that support to students on campus, and urged them to campaign for major improvements in the Student Union without communicating a lack of appreciation for the IIF. Although I have been generally aware of the LBT project on Mount Graham, there have been no recent board actions or other decisions on the agenda, so I have not felt the urgency that I associated with the IIF. When a group of detractors of LBT sought an opportunity on Columbus Day to express their opposition, I met with them and listened respectfully to their views. When my schedule permits, I intend to visit Mount Graham, and speak with other concerned parties. When I am satisfied with my understanding of the issues, I will publicly resolve any uncertainties about my support for the LBT project. If I have been inconsistent in my treatment of these two projects, that's because I hesitate to make definitive statements until I have done my homework. As soon as my position is clear in my own mind, I will state my views forthrightly. I hope that I will be consistent in that policy, at least. Peter Likins
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