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Officials release schedule for fall intramurals

By Brad Weaver
Arizona Daily Wildcat
August 24, 1998
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Arizona Daily Wildcat

Adjusting to a school schedule can be tough, especially after a summer of sleeping in and staying out late. But after realizing that you have just as much free time now as in the summer, don't sleep it away; sign up for intramurals instead.

The objective of the intramurals program is "to provide an atmosphere where students, faculty and staff can enjoy themselves and also compete with each other," said Mirum Washington-White, assistant director of intramural sports.

There are many traditional sports leagues available, such as volleyball, tennis and basketball. Other sports with slight variations include speed soccer (indoor with two balls played simultaneously), water basketball and flag football. There are also options such as spades and kickball.

The entry period for some sports begins as early as today. You can also stop by the intramural sports office (Student Recreation Center, Room 218) any time from noon until 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, or call 621-8723 for additional information.

-Information compiled by Brad Weaver


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