Get to know your Muslim neighbors
To the editor,
I just would like to share with you my exposure to the Muslim people. As with all walks of life there are the good and the bad. I am a Christian and proud of that position. My interaction in the past with various Muslim people from different sects of religious belief indicate to me that they exercise a greater degree of moral, religious and ethical values than other people that I come into contact with.
I share Ahmad's concern that the Muslims or for that fact any group should be mistreated in any manner, this is more than totally unacceptable behavior on some people's part.
What is usually the best approach for me is to get to KNOW the people that you are uncertain about and once that happens you usually find that they were not someone to fear or distrust but someone you may even want to get to know better.
Our media is more at fault at portraying some people as the enemy, when the enemy may actually be elsewhere.
Get to know our Muslim neighbors, you may find you were missing something for not having known them. I took the time to do that and find them honest, trustworthy, sincere, friendly, dependable friends that I enjoy knowing and sharing things with. This could happen to you also.
John C. Betka University of Arizona Main Library