Isn't it ironic?
To the editor,
It was good to see President Likins speak out against the hate exemplified by Jeremy Olson.
It must have been only cruel irony, and not deliberate action on the part of the Wildcat's staff, which allowed the printing of yet another hateful comic in the same paper as President Likins' enlightened judgment.
I'm sure you, the discerning readers (ex-readers I hope) of the Wildcat saw the demeaning comic of which I speak. We can not allow the kind of abuse to those of the lower class, or sex which was so apparently promoted in Chad Strawderman's "Wolf and Pig" (Sept. 4).
This strip was an unconscionable attempt to reinforce the oppression of lower class women. I charge President Likins and the whole of the ASUA (except for that coward who abstained from condemning Olson) with the development of a final solution to the Wildcat problem.
Furthermore, I call on all rational, diversity-loving students of the UofA to gather on the Mall for the express purpose of burning this insidious paper. A paper which continuously prints ideas which challenge the majority-sanctioned paradigms. Join me in cleansing the campus of these impure elements, so that we may be free.
Scott Plumlee
Physics senior