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Student government, UAPD provide night safety

By Audrey DeAnda
Arizona Summer Wildcat
July 28, 1999
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Arizona Summer Wildcat

The University of Arizona can get pretty scary, especially at night.

Fortunately, the Associated Students Escort Service can be useful for students who need to get across campus at night or need a lift to a UA-area location.

Rachel Reinhardt, director of the ASUA Escort Service, said the vans make their rounds from dusk to 12:55 a.m., Sunday through Thursday.

Reinhardt said the service will drop off or pick up students anywhere within a limited area.

There is a catch, however - the escort service will not drop students off at places that serve alcohol and they will not transport drunks, she said.

"We are not a designated-driving service," Reinhardt said. "If you are intoxicated and abusive, we can leave you on the side of the road and tell you to call a cab."

The service decided to expand the boundaries to off-campus locations because students have study groups at UA-area eateries and coffee shops, she said.

UAPD Sgt. Michael Smith said it is important for students to be aware of their surroundings.

University police records indicate that out of the 40 campus assaults since last July, four were rapes, nine were aggravated assaults and the remaining 27 were assaults resulting in minor injuries or no injuries at all.

Smith said when walking at night, students should be sure to travel in well-lighted areas.

Along with the escort service, the UA has emergency phones strategically placed across campus, for students who need immediate police assistance.

The UA has more than 32 "blue light" phones located around campus, with plans to add about 32 more, during the next school year.

"We have a lot of after-hours pedestrian traffic," said Steve Holland, director of UA Risk Management. "(The phones) certainly provide the ability to obtain help if you need it."

Holland also said the new phones will be accessible for people with disabilities.

John Lane, senior engineer at UA Facilities Management engineering service, said the new phones allow callers to push a button and be automatically connected to university police.

Lane also said the new phones will be scattered throughout campus, near parking garages and the residence halls.

"It will come to the point where you can stand anywhere on campus and see an emergency phone," he said.