Dakotacom.net netting the accounts
Teresa Hansen
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 18, 1998
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As off-campus students, faculty and staff clamor for time on the World Wide Web, the UA's new Internet provider is trying to cope with twice the number of customers it originally expected.
The University contracted with Dakota Communications Aug. 10 to provide off-campus dial-up service. Although the Tucson-based company expected 500 accounts the first month, it has 1,100 to date, said Laurie Thomas, program manager for Dakota.
UA's Center for Computing and Information Technology, which oversees the service, has had about a dozen complaints about the service thus far, said Dan Roman, CCIT network operations manager.
"Some people are happy and some are upset," Roman said. "But Dakota has learned ways to improve their service."
He said most of the complications can be attributed to the unexpected demand for the service.
Problems included users receiving busy signals when trying to connect to the UA, according to Ramon. Dakota responded within a week and installed 48 additional modems, he said.
There also was confusion about Dakota's "unlimited services option." Wording in the user policy suggested limiting online time to about five to seven hours.
Although some users thought they could not stay online for over seven hours, the intent was to "emphasize that this is a shared resource and not a dedicated connection," Roman said.
"Dakota has been excellent in terms of response to questions and their increase in modems," he said.
CCIT sought an Internet provider after off-campus students and employees showed an interest in UAConnect, a pilot program started two years ago.
"In today's world, we are getting more and more mobile. Whether it's a student doing homework at home, or staff doing their work at home, there has been an exchange of the workplace to the home," Roman said. "We needed this service so people can function as if they are on campus."
When students, faculty and staff sign-up for an account with Dakota, they can access restricted accounts such as SABIO, the UA library service.
"I think it's a great benefit and we're very competitively priced," Dakota's Thomas said.
Dakota offers Internet packages that range from monthly to yearly service at static rates for the next two years.
Students, staff and faculty can sign up for Dakota's Internet service on campus in CCIT, its Tucson office - 5055 E. Broadway Blvd., or through the company's Web site at www.dakotacom.net.
Teresa Hansen can be reached via e-mail at Teresa.Hansen@wildcat.arizona.edu.