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Bigmouth freshman did good

By Whitney Love
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 16, 1998
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To the editor,

I am extremely proud of Erica Breaux for the perspective she brought to the Wildcat's Wednesday October 13th issue. People on this campus rarely stop to think about how others outside of their circle of existence live.

How many of the students on this campus have even thought or cared to think about how people of different racial, social, economic and regional perspectives than their own live? For example, how many of the numerous Spanish 101 students on this campus think about the daily living conditions of individuals living in southern Mexico or in Costa Rica? How many of the female students on this campus have ever thought about being the only female student at an all male college? Or better yet, how many of the Anglo students on this campus have ever thought about what it would be like to attend college at a predominantly black institution of higher learning?

Not many, a few a best. I think that Erica brings up a very valid point in her article and perspectives like hers should be showcased more often in The Daily Wildcat.

Whitney Love
Journalism freshman