Former ATO member enters not-guilty plea
A former UA student plead not guilty yesterday to charges stemming from the investigation of a summer arson that torched a campus fraternity house.
Jeffrey Kantor, 20, a former Alpha Tau Omega fraternity member, was indicted Friday on second degree burglary and theft charges for allegedly stealing photographs from the former ATO house prior to the July fire.
A second man indicted Friday, Brian Ross, 22, had his initial appearance rescheduled for Feb. 24. Ross, who now attends school in South Carolina, was indicted on charges of second degree burglary, theft, possession of marijuana, possession of dangerous drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Ross allegedly stole the hand-carved front door of the ATO house, 1050 N. Cherry Ave. The drug charges stem from a University of Arizona Police Department search of Ross' house during the investigation.
The two men were the focus of the UAPD investigation into the arson that caused $850,000 in damage.
The Pima County Attorney's Office did not include arson among the charges in the Friday indictment.
Pima County Deputy Attorney Bill Dickinson said yesterday that the arson charges would not have stood up in court.
"The investigation had insufficient evidence to prove they committed arson," Dickinson said. "A number of people had access to the building (ATO) over a period of time. I can prove they stole the items and were in the building."
Dickinson refused further comment about the case.
Kantor, of the 1500 block of East Painted Colt Loop, and Ross both refused comment yesterday.
Kantor's next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 25.

Check out past Wildcat articles about the investigation into the ATO fire: