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Ward misplaces immorality

By Molly Robin-Abbott
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
October 21, 1999
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To the editor,

This letter is in response to John A. Ward, who knows how to push my liberal-leaning buttons.

In regards to men dressing in drag, is there a part of the Bible I don't know about that dictates 20th century fashion for men? If so, I would be interested in reading it.

That detail aside, I take exception to his description of the immoralities of homosexuality. I realize that in some interpretations of the Bible, it is a cardinal sin. I'm afraid I don't agree. Compared to lying, stealing, cheating, torture, murder, reckless pollution of the environment, and various other (immoral) crimes against humanity and the world, love between two consensual people seems rather moral.

In addition, I don't consider lesbian or gay relationships a large contributing factor to decline of the family. People of the same sex can be wonderful parents. My mother is a lesbian, and (aside from her grievously incorrect sexual preferences) a highly principled woman. I love and respect her, her partner, my father, and my stepmother, and have never felt bereft of family.

Although Mr. Ward might not be a hate monger or even a right wing extremist, I think he is just the slightest bit closed minded. By defining family as a biological unit of (only) mother/father/child, he is excluding many other valid family structures.

About that innately virtuous social structure that has lasted over 5000 years - does that include our friends the ancient Greeks? I believe I've heard a few things about some of their sexual practices...

Molly Robin-Abbott

SWES graduate student

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