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Atheist defends Bible Jim's free speech rights
To the editor, Alodie (Feldhousen) is incorrect in her statement in that the U of A is a "private campus." The University of Arizona is public property and anybody is free to visit it. As an atheist, I would like to defend Bible Jim's right to free speech. Alodie Feldhousen is correct in that the Bible spews hatred toward homosexuals, rebellious women and many other groups. And their are hundreds, and probably thousands of different Christians sects which all claim to be the only correct Christians, and some of these sects (such as the Catholics which I belonged to before losing my belief in God) claim that everyone except their sect will rot in hell. But under the First Amendment, we have freedom of speech and Bible Jim should be allowed to talk about whatever nonsense he wants to when he is on the university which is public property.
Mark Villa UA alum
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