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Harm in agreeing with 'Dave'

By Jake Simoneaux
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
November 19, 1999
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To the editor,

There is harm in agreeing with Dave. In agreeing with Dave, you are saying you are a follower. The whole T-shirt craze is geared towards people that are followers instead of being able to think for themselves. Campus Crusade for Christ is a cult. They should change their name to Campus Cult for Christ. All the members have been brainwashed to think the same and all attend secret meetings that only members are allowed in. They are all slaves of the church trying to make a dollar. Everyone knows that religion is one of the more profitable institutions known to man, and what a better way to get more money than recruiting helpless college students. Dave and his followers turn away more people from the church than they recruit. It's a great plan, just horrible execution. They have given a bad name to Christianity and to themselves. Last year I had first-hand experience of how desperate the crusade is for members. My roommate made the mistake of registering to win a free bike at the beginning of his freshman year last year. And come to think of it, I don't think they have ever or will ever give out the bike, since it is a great way to pull people into their cult. All year long on Sunday morning a member of Campus Cult for Christ would call to see if we wanted to go to church. If they didn't call, they would stop by and try to hang out.

As a student on campus, I would have to say that the cult is a problem. I always have members coming up to me trying to talk to me, and I do object to the Dave thing. These cult members try to push the church in all the wrong places. "I Don't Agree With Dave".

Jake Simoneaux

Finance sophomore

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