Obnoxious Wildcat inserts litter campus


The other day I picked up a copy of the Wildcat from the newspaper rack in front of the Harvill Building. Inside I found yet another obnoxious, glossy advertising insert. Then I looked around me. Sure enough, I found inserts littering the ground all over the place. As I walked to the Student Union, I saw more inserts strewn on the pavement by the Wildcat rack in front of the Economics Building. And by the rack at the Union, Arby's inserts blanketed the ground like new-fallen snow. Well, not exactly.

Please discontinue putting these inserts into the Wildcat. Most students merely let them fall out of the newspapers and some of us are so annoyed by the presence of advertisements that we just throw them on the ground.

I suspect that no more than 2.5 percent of Wildcat readers actually use the coupons found on the inserts. The rest of us just see them as garbage.

Sokrates Frantzis

Music Performance Junior

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