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Wednesday March 7, 2001

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By Mindy Jones

If you are concerned about fair labor laws or empathize with the Students Against Sweatshops' platform, attend today's noon University Panel Discussion featuring first-hand accounts of the labor dispute in the Kukdong factory. Representatives from Nike, the Senate Task Force and officials well-versed in Mexican labor laws will address the problems and possible solutions surrounding questionable work-place conditions in the Education building's Kiva auditorium. For more information, contact Sharon Kha at 621-9017.

Crossing your fingers and hoping last night's cram session pays off on today's exam is not a reliable way to capture a good grade. To learn how to get the most out of your reviews, lectures and discussions, check out today's 2 p.m. Learning Strategy Workshop. The class will take place in the Bear Down Gym and will focus primarily on memorization techniques. For more information on this free class, call Karen Gutierrez at 621-4548.

Have you been staring at the same empty page for the last two hours? If finding an effective way to start your class essays has left you "blank," check out today's 5 p.m. Writing Skills Improvement Program. This Weekly Writing Workshop, held in Modern Languages Room 204, will focus on organizing the introductory paragraph. You will learn strategies for overcoming writer's block and ways to mold important facts into a concise introduction for any paper. For more information on this free series, call Donna Rabuck at 621-5849.

The "Collected Visions" of Lorie Novak turned the wheels in artist Shelley Kasle's mind and spurred tonight's Center for Creative Photography Gallery Talk, "Family Members and Identity." Kasle will attempt to draw parallels between Novak's pieces, on display in CCP, and her own ideas about family experiences and their influence on self-identity and evaluation. The free discussion session will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the main CCP viewing gallery. For more information, call 621-7968.

Snap your fingers in unison and welcome tonight's Poetry Center Reading Series presenter, Billy Collins. The Guggenheim fellow poet and New York Public Library "Literary Lion" will read excerpts from his famed "The Art of Drowning" and "Picnic, Lightning" at 8 p.m. in the Modern Languages auditorium. Watch as his ideas about humor fill the stage with his form of "travel writing." For more information on this free series, call Frances Shoberg at 321-7760.

Still haven't made up your mind on who should lead the student body? Check out today's ASUA candidate information tables on the UA Mall between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. For more information, call Joseph at 740-0068.