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Monday October 9, 2000

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Letters to the Editor

Aztecs still around, offended

To the editor,

Your comments in today's Wildcat may have been the dumbest I have ever read, so I congratulate you! You say the Aztec is extinct? Over one million people speak Nahautl the language of the Mexicas or "Aztecs" today in Mexico. The Spanish called the "Mexicas" (later known as Mexicanos) Aztecs. So I urge all Mexicans and those of Mexican decent when you see Ryan Finley on campus give him the all mighty middle finger.

Fernando Linn

History senior

Campus should be preserved

To the editor,

As a graduate of the University of Arizona, I have suddenly been overtaken with an overwhelming amount of Wildcat pride. People constantly ask me where I went to school and I proudly answer "U of A." However, I constantly question the motivation behind some of the tactics our school uses.

Why make the campus a construction site? I spent four long, tedious years manuerving around bulldozers and the like in order to wind my way from class to class on a regular basis. The last two years of my dehydrated journeys were explained away by the reasoning that a "freshman center" was being built. What freshman in their right mind would chose to go to school in a place where most classes involve a teacher yelling profundities in order to drown out drills and other heavy machinery?

The fact remains that every campus is supposedly a higher place of learning. Instead, Tucson has chosen to replace the one desert oasis it has (our campus) with concrete and steel. Does anyone remember the Mall five years ago? I saw one picture of it and immediately decided that Tucson was where I wanted to be for four years. The campus has evolved from a beautiful resort like place of study into a huge area devoid of any spectacular scenery save the shaded mountains behind it. We need a campus of inspiration rather than debilitation. Who agrees with me in my wishes that we quit building in order that we may all return for our 50th year class reunion to a place we are proud to have graduated from.

Torrie Arnold

UA alumna

UA maturity appalling

To the editor,

Sometimes I just wonder about our students here at the UA. It is important to think before we act, and there are times when even the most mature of students will not think before he or she acts. Such is the case when I arrived to work here this morning at KUAZ. I was riding my Vespa to the motorcycle parking lot near here, when someone on the fraternity lawn across the street thought it would be fun to lob ice at me. Not just small chunks either. We're talking about missiles the size of my hand.

Lucky for me they were really bad at aiming. They missed me by a good amount. I heard the typical laughter and snickering from the other side of the street and ignored it. I locked up my Vespa, and after a second thought decided I should take extra precautions and removed the plug wire and shut off the fuel.

I went in to work and got worried. I've had the scooter stolen once before this year, so I decided I that should quickly go out to check on it to make certain that everything was OK. When I got there I noticed the mirrors twisted to a point where it damaged the mounting brackets. Now, why was this done? Freud would probably say that it was because they had insecurities about their childhood. My grandmother would say because they had nothing better to do. I say it's because they are immature and have no respect for someone's property. I just had my mirrors vandalized, and I've had property ripped out of my car by thieves. Out of all these acts, there is only one I can understand. The thieves ripping my stereo out of my car, so they could have it. But why were my mirrors destroyed? Why was I run off the road? It happened because someone had no respect for someone else's property. Someday those people will be robbed, or run off the road, and then maybe they will learn a lesson!

Because of this act my opinion of both fraternities, and of students have been degraded. In my six years here, never has one act influenced me so much. When you become an adult your actions begin to define who you are. The actions of a few can skew public opinion of the many. I know my opinion has been changed, and not for the better.

Ryan Price

Music senior