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Friday November 3, 2000

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UA student affairs group argues against Prop. 203

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Students worried about rights, culture, and education

While many UA students and faculty said there are problems with Arizona's bilingual education system, they agreed Proposition 203 is not the answer.

The roundtable discussion, attended by about 40 members of the University of Arizona community, was sponsored by the Chicano Hispano Student Affairs.

Proposition 203 would amend Arizona law to require that all public courses be taught in English, doing away with bilingual programs. Students in current bilingual programs would be put into an intensive one-year immersion, while continuing to learn academic subjects.

Adalberto Guerrero, retired UA Spanish lecturer, led the bilingual discussion with his negative feelings toward the proposition.

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Low-flow toilets save Tucson money, UA researchers say

The 1.6-gallon toilets conserve more water than older toilets

Two UA researchers are working to keep people from flushing their money down the toilet.

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Wildcats to take 'leap' of faith against Huskies

Arizona a win away from bowl eligibility

Tomorrow's game between the UA football team and Washington may be the final road game of senior quarterback Ortege Jenkins' career.

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Our system: Things get real, real complicated

Arenas led all scores with 30 points

In years when a third party is rising in the electoral climate, there is much discussion of whether our electoral college system hampers a three or more party system.

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The Y-2K8 bug

Kate Clinton blends political, religious and gay humor in one-woman show

Look out Al Gore, George W. Bush and Ralph Nader - Clinton is coming to town.

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Quotable: Friday November 3, 2000

"I found a nice gift from the U.S. Atomic Energy Project at the library - the Manhattan Project report."

-Khidhir Hamza, a nuclear physicist who defected in 1994, on Iraqi claims that they received help from the U.S. in designing a bomb for Saddam Hussein

Today in History: Friday November 3, 2000

In 1631, the Rev. John Eliot, the first Protestant minister to dedicate himself to the conversion of Native Americans to Christianity, arrives at Boston in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

In 1903, one day after U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt orders the U.S.S. Nashville to Central America, Panama declares its independence from Colombia.