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Friday January 12, 2001

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Civil Rights Day boasts civil rights, not hangovers

By The Wildcat Opinions Board

We are lucky, lucky public university students. We just had three days of school, about to be followed by three consecutive days off.

Many UA students are probably planning Sunday night's kegger. But they ought to get to bed early and wake up early on Monday so they can help celebrate what this long weekend is all about.

For this Monday is not just a day to have a barbecue and get over your hangover.

It's Civil Rights Day.

It's a day that honors America's greatest civil rights leaders, but actually celebrates the civil rights that we are all lucky to have. It symbolizes the efforts of civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the progress they made, and the potential for achieving even greater social equality.

The UA will be holding celebrations sponsored by the UA Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee. The program begins at 8:00 am Monday morning at the fountain by Old Main. A march to Reid Park begins at 8:30 am.

Considering how long and hard Arizona fought to get Civil Rights Day, and the opposition it faced, Arizonans ought to take it seriously. Students who have never taken the time to think about why they're getting this precious day off might find it interesting to attend Monday's celebration and see what the big deal is.

Have a fun long weekend, party hearty, but don't forget what Monday is really all about.

Staff Editorials represent the collaborative stance of the Arizona Daily Wildcat Opinions Board.