Friday Feb. 22, 2002
Garage crimes up again this month
Crimes in UA parking garages increased in January and February, UA Police Department records show.
Fifteen crimes have been committed this month, one short of September's record for the academic year. December and November had the lowest number of crimes with six and seven. There have been no reports of stolen cars this month.
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Fast facts:
Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
Cicadas have their hearing organs in their stomachs, at the base of the abdomen. Crickets have their hearing organs in their knees, or, more precisely, in the oval slit of their forelegs.
Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the pain. Some insects, after their heads are severed, may live for as long as a year. They react automatically to light, temperature, humidity, chemicals and other stimuli.
The average housefly lives only two weeks.
The caterpillar of the monarch butterfly will eventually multiply its original weight by 2,700.
If a 7-pound newborn human gained weight at the same rate as an adult, he or she would weigh well over 9 tons.
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
On this date:
In 1847, U.S. troops defeated the Mexican army in the Battle of Buena Vista.
In 1872, the Prohibition Party held its first national convention in Columbus, Ohio.
In 1889, South and North Dakota, Montana and Washington were admitted to the union.
In 1920, the first artificial rabbit was used at a dog-race track in Emeryville, Calif.
In 1923, transcontinental airmail service began.
In 1959, Lee Petty won the first-ever Daytona 500 auto race with an average speed of 135.521 mph.
In 1992, rockers Kurt Cobain of Nirvana and Courtney Love of Hole wed.
"I think as much time away from the outside world as possible will do him good."
- A victim of former Catholic priest John Geoghan, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for charges in 1989 that he fondled him.
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