Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday Mar. 4, 2002
Manipulating Krispy Kreme
Integrity as defined by Webster's Dictionary states: it's a "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values." What does this have to do with the upcoming ASUA elections you say? Read on. Last week while strolling to class, I notice a rather large banner hanging from the second level railing on the south side of the Harvill building. I thought it was an advertisement for Krispy Kreme donuts. Upon closer inspection, I discovered Kreme was spelled Karim and something about a senator.
Krispy Karim is seeking my vote for his senatorial bid. Who is Krispy Karim, and why is he using an imitation of the Krispy Kreme logo as an advertisement for his candidacy? After a quick cruise over to the ASUA Web site, I discovered Krispy Karim is actually Soral Karim and proclaims to be our leader. He feels that leaders in number are more effective than a single individual. Mr. Karim will soon discover leadership is a learned trait, gained from years of experience and integrity.
I found another interesting page at the ASUA site, called Senator Profiles, describing the duties and responsibilities of our electoral. It states, "Senate members also will serve on several committees across the campus to represent their constituents on the administration level. Faculty Senate, Academic Integrity Committee."
Will someone please explain to me how anyone who can blatantly violate the artistic rights of a company, Krispy Kreme in this case, can effectively serve on an Academic Integrity Committee, presumably ruling on integrity issues based on ethical standards? Why has the ASUA Board of Election Commissioners not pursued this even though they became aware of this problem last week? Why is the university, which has longstanding policies concerning academic integrity, allowing these violations to continue while possibly placing them in the middle of a legal issue? Mr. Karim is not the only candidate running afoul of trademark infringement.
If integrity and honesty are traits that do not concern you, then by all means cast your ballot for Mr. Karim, otherwise, please review the field of candidates and ask (a) similar question.
Jeff Steinkamp
computer science sophomore
Financial advisers need business training
UA needs to send their financial advisers through our illustrious business management courses. Recently, posted a story boasting the fact that the construction for the new Facilities Maintenance building and an adjacent parking structure will be completed by Fall 2002. The cost originally, according to the story, was $17 million, but was raised to $18 million to accommodate the moving of a greenhouse. One million dollars is being spent to move a greenhouse. Come on!
Staff members, faculty and students are honestly starting to suffer because of our economic financial difficulties. Workers for UA are not getting raises. Students are paying a lot of money to attend UA and are finding themselves cornered in majors that do not have enough classes to allow them to graduate in a timely manner. But, for some reason, that does not take precedence of moving the greenhouses to the top of a parking garage for a million dollars. Not to mention taking up yet again more parking spots on this overcrowded campus.
My recommendation: Hire planners and accountants that are looking in the best interest of UA's future and current planning/financial needs. Just because you manage our money does not mean you have to shop like a woman with a credit card.
Greg Sarkissian
interdisciplinary studies senior
Recycle old Wildcats
I was really shocked Thursday morning when I reached to get my Daily Wildcat and spotted a huge stack of old Wildcats in the trashcan. I cannot believe that you don't recycle leftover editions. What a waste. When my pile at home starts overflowing I bring my papers back to school and put them in the recycle bin. It's very easy, perhaps you guys could try it.
Autumn Kline
retailing and consumer sciences junior
UA bathrooms 'below par'
Anyone who knows me know that I can find something to complain about on cue, but after talking to a few friends, I know that this time, it's not just me. I'm a freshman here and I love the campus, but there is one thing that appalls me: CAMPUS BATHROOMS!! Now, I haven't been in all of the bathrooms on campus, but almost every one I have been in has been disgusting.
Let's look at it this way, when you are home, do you (or your roommates) leave toilet paper scattered across the floor or water all over the counter? Do you walk out of the room without flushing the toilet? If you answered "no" to both of these questions, then I have one more for you: Why is it done here?
I've never been a big fan of using public bathrooms, but I'm on campus 10 hours a day, so I have to break down and use them. I fail to see why they should be so dirty. I realize that it isn't possible to have someone in each bathroom to clean all day, and I don't believe that it should be necessary. I do believe that something should be done. If the UA is supposed to be such a "superior" college, then why are the bathrooms so far below par?
Aimee J. Debyah
music freshman
Should be thankful for ASUA
I would like to second Andrew Clark's Friday letter and add further information to the ASUA debate. As a director for one of ASUA's programs and services, I have had the pleasure of working with the current elected body for the past year. With few exceptions, these are a dedicated, hardworking and talented group of people. To the guy who thinks it is just a resumŽ builder, shame on you. We work exceptionally hard for a meager stipend so you can have things like a SafeRide home or a shuttle to Safeway or speakers or a visit from "Loveline" or two resource centers, including library and computer access. Most of us put in 20 hours a week or more for a meager stipend (mine works out to 73 cents an hour).
Instead of looking at what ASUA hasn't done, we should be thankful for what has been done. For example, Sen. Sarah Calvert has been working for an entire year to bring her campaign promise of a Safeway Shuttle to fruition. Because we work in the same office, I have listened to her make numerous phone calls to the other entities involved with the Safeway Shuttle project. While she was frustrated at unread proposals, unreturned phone calls, and any number of bureaucratic hurdles, she kept on it, and she got results.
It is so important to recognize that ASUA and its leaders work within and are constrained by a larger system. It can be difficult to get your transcripts evaluated or even get a meal around here, much less trying to organize an entire concert or a shuttle service.
I challenge every student that is critical of ASUA to become involved with it. Shadow SafeRide, work on a daily basis trying to organize one event or even one meeting and you will see what a challenging, frustrating and absolutely rewarding experience being part of ASUA can be. Until then, put up or shut up.
Jonna Lopez
sociology senior
director, ASUA Pride Alliance
Durrani commentary biased
Mariam Durrani's latest commentary in Friday's Wildcat proved to be one of her most biased and ignorant remarks to date. The next time two of her lonely brain cells do collide to form a real thought, she might try to understand the real picture which I will try to illustrate. First of all, in reference to Ariel Sharon, Ms. Durrani states, "We must hold the heads of state to a certain degree of professionalism and courtesy towards other human beings." Obviously Ms. Durrani feels such a standard need not apply to Yasser Arafat, considering for him it is unattainable. Arafat was an exiled terrorist residing in Tunisia before he became the head of state of the Palestinians. Some of the recent attacks against Israelis were even responsible by members of Arafat's own party. Arafat has also proven to be useless in controlling barbaric suicide bombers from killing innocent Israelis in school busses, bus stops, marketplaces, etc.
Israel uses military force to defend itself and has every right in the world to do so. Think logically people! Israel, the only truly democratic state in the region, is surrounded by Arab nations (full of monarchies and dictatorships) that want it destroyed. If Israel does nothing to stop Palestinian savagery, then what is to stop other Arab nations from using the same kind of aggression? Ms. Durrani also tries to create a hypothetical situation stating, "Because we think North Korea or Iran might have terrorists, President Bush bombs the buildings surrounding their homes to 'scare" them.' She then tries to parallel this with Israel trapping Arafat. These two situations could not be more different. In the North Korea and Iran scenarios, terrorism is only suspected whereas with Arafat it is evidently clear that he is responsible for it and for the prolongation of it.
Sounds to me like Ms. Durrani and other Muslims are desperately trying to create sympathy for the Palestinian cause, even if they must lie to attain this objective. They create a standard that they feel Israel should comply with without realizing that Arafat would be unwilling to do the same. The Palestinians lost the war with Israel in the 1960s and in 1999 was given the chance to own unprecedented amounts of land (not to mention peace with Israel) but Arafat flatly rejected this. Now America is supposed to feel that Israel is oppressing the Palestinians? I don't think so. Until the Palestinians are serious about wanting their own nation state and peace (not just destroying Israel with henchman Arafat) not Ms. Durrani or any other person will sway me from believing that the only group oppressing the Palestinians are in fact the Palestinians themselves.
Charles A. Peterson
history sophomore
Keep up good work, ASUA
When I was in high school, student council was comprised of a majority of jocks and cheerleaders whose ultimate goal had as much to do with their own popularity as it did the betterment of the school. I am pleased to see that this does not seem to be the case with ASUA. I am personally very appreciative of ASUA and their service to the university. When they stated they were against a housing limit for upperclassmen this year, I applauded them. When the Board of Regents stated its belief that ASUA was in the minority on the issue, I was sickened. Now, I once again commend ASUA for the shuttle service to Safeway. I can only wait for the Board of Regents to release a statement saying "It is our belief that the students who like EATING and SAVING MONEY are in the minority."
Keep up the good work, ASUA; maybe someday the board will realize who truly represents this university.
William Bihn
computer engineering freshman
Wilson's governor candidate breakdown outrageous
This is in response to Kendrick Wilson's Thursday commentary. How could you stoop so low? Oh, wait, on second thought, yeah, I was pretty sure you would. Let's start from the beginning. "It's hard to believe that in February, the following year's political campaigns are already underway." This is an exact quote from your column. Well last time I checked Mr. Wilson, February 2002 and November 2002 were in the same year. I could be wrong, let me know if I am.
Now, for one to support Janet Napolitano is mind-boggling to say the least. Let's talk about her Web site, shall we? Just a few short months ago, her Web site posted a poll on the main page that was conducted by a major Arizona newspaper (Arizona Republic, I think) via its Web site. Now, any person with an IQ above 12 knows that Web site polls are the most unscientific pieces of garbage available. By the looks at the results of that poll, Janet's campaign manager probably sat there for a few hours voting for her. Then look at her News Gallery page. The majority of the articles are related to some type of poll. She needs to maybe talk about issues and stop saying "Well I'm ahead. Now, look at the Salmon Web site and his news articles are about issues. They are about things that people in Arizona care about. I would like to direct you to an article from Feb. 2, in which it was reported that Janet Napolitano is costing the state of Arizona $90,000 a day because she refuses to return money to Arizonans that were illegally taxed over a decade ago. The total of the illegal taxes comes out $600 million and every day she refuses to do something, it only gets bigger. No wonder the state is having a budget problem!
Finally, I would like to touch on something you did not mention, surprisingly. The issue is Clean Elections. Matt Salmon is not running under this hideous law the voters of Arizona passed for a simple reason. Why should a person seeking political office use taxpayer money to fund their campaign? Please, tell me Mr. Wilson. Enlighten me. There is no reason that my money should be going to support anybody but the person I want to see in office. That's all there is to it. I hope one day, Mr. Wilson, you will see the error in your ways. But you have already been sucked into the black hole, and it will take the jaws of life to get you out.
Pete Seat
theatre arts freshman
UA tradition and spirit lost in construction
I am writing in response to the letter regarding the Alumni Plaza submitted by Edward Beshore in Thursday's edition of the Arizona Daily Wildcat. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Beshore's comments and have many times contemplated writing to this newspaper for exactly the same reasons. I am a 1992 alumni of the University of Arizona and have worked as a staff member for the past four years and have become increasingly dissatisfied with the way decisions have been made on this campus.
When I attended the university almost 10 years ago, the UA was a place where almost all students were able to gather on the Mall without having to listen or see signs of constant construction, where students could meet their friends in the welcoming atmosphere of the student union and where school spirit ran high. During the last couple of years, it seems that the atmosphere has completely changed. Students are prohibited from sitting on the Mall without having to listen to annoying mall preachers, and the din of constant construction, the new student union is cold and sterile and student apathy is high. And on top of all this, the Alumni Association wants to dig up the Mall yet again and erect some sort of Plaza in their honor??? It makes no sense to me and many of my friends and family who are also University of Arizona alumni, and as Mr. Beshore states, the funds could be used in much more productive ways. Some of these ways would be to help fund more classes for students, better parking for staff and students alike, pay raises for low-paid staff and construction of buildings we actually need, such as new dormitories.
I recently ended my employment with the university for family reasons, but because the university has changed so much and puts the needs of students and staff as low priority, I was not sad to leave. The administration needs to realize that by constantly tearing down the old to put up the new, they are also slowly tearing down the tradition and spirit of the university itself; a tradition and spirit that cannot be replaced, even by an Alumni Plaza.
Lisa Dryden
1992 University of Arizona graduate and former staff member
In response to two great letters
This letter is in response to both Melanie Wilke and Jason Kissen's letters in Thursday's Daily Wildcat. Having been a student at the UA for four and a half years, I have seen few insightful, well-written or meaningful letters. Imagine my surprise in opening up the paper Thursday to find, not one, but two letters that brought me delight. The first was a little piece by Melanie Wilke. This letter was, without exception, the most intelligent piece of writing I have ever seen in the confines of our beloved paper. Her views on personal responsibility, and the roles of the government are nothing but common sense, and it cheers me to see that there are people out there who don't feel that "Big Brother" can solve all of society's ills.
The second letter was that of Jason Kissen. The reason this letter stood out in my mind was not from depth of analysis, but simple bluntness: so appropriate for the subject matter. So sorry to all you want to be missionaries out there, but it needed to be said. Just because we don't believe YOUR beliefs, doesn't mean we don't have as strong of convictions as you do. Leave us alone! I actually had a group that would gain access to my dorm and knock on my dorm room weekly to try to get me to come to bible get-togethers.
Not only that, but they misquoted Aristotle and called me "man" frequently.
Enough is enough.
Todd Renfro
UA alumnus