Tuesday Mar. 19, 2002
Legislators agree on across-the-board raise
New plan gives all employees $1,450 increase; governor expected to approve raises this week
PHOENIX - State legislative leaders reached a compromise yesterday morning that could give all employees a $1,450 raise and draw the battle of employee pay raises and the state budget to an end.
Gov. Jane Dee Hull is expected to sign the budget later this week, once delivered tomorrow to her office. House of Representatives Speaker Jim Weiers halted the budget approved Friday from reaching Hull.
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Fast facts:
The first macaroni factory in the United States was established in 1848. Antoine Zegera created it in Brooklyn, New York.
Pears are a member of the rose family.
When barbecuing, wait until the final 5 to 15 minutes of cooking time to put on the BBQ sauce - this helps prevent scorching.
When ordering coffee on U.S. flights, for the East Coast, "regular" comes with milk and sugar; on the West Coast, "regular" coffee is black.
The fortune cookie was invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodlemaker.
While there are hundreds of species of sharks, only about seven are marketed and eaten with any regularity in the United States. Europe has its own favorite species - most of which never make it to U.S. kitchens.
Whole, unopened coconuts can be stored at room temperature for up to six months, depending on the age of the nut.
On this date:
In 1628, the Massachusetts colony was founded by the British.
In 1822, Boston was incorporated as a city.
In 1895, the Los Angeles Railway was established to provide streetcar service.
In 1931, Nevada legalized gambling.
In 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered men between 45 and 64 to register for non-military duty.
In 1954, the first rocket-driven sled on rails was tested in Alamogordo, N.M.
In 1972, India and Bangladesh signed a friendship treaty.
"And cold as ice she said, 'No, she should have closed her door. That's what I would have done.' Those are the real faces of these defendants."
- Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney Jim Hammer about defendants' statements in a dog-attack death case in which a couple's dog killed a woman.
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