Bus strike shuts down football shuttles
Friday September 7, 2001
Free parking available for carpoolers; most on-campus spaces cost $5
Sun Tran shuttles will not be operating for tomorrow's UA football game due to the ongoing drivers' and mechanics' strike, said Michele Dyer, Sun Tran director of marketing.
Instead, Sun Tran employees will be stationed from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the locations where the shuttle usually picks up passengers - Tucson Mall, Hi Corbett Field and the Fry's market at Irvington Road and Interstate 19 - and directing people to park in on-campus lots. A representative will also be stationed at Park Mall, where service was discontinued this year.
Last year, an average of 4,600 people rode the shuttle to each game, Dyer said.
Approximately 45,000 people are expected to attend tomorrow's game, the Wildcats' first home contest of the season, said Phoebe Chalk, assistant athletic director in charge of public relations. UA's game against Idaho will start at 7 p.m..
"When you don't have the shuttle, people still come to the game," she said. "We are encouraging people not to park in the neighborhood."
The University of Arizona is also continuing a program that offers free parking in Tyndall Avenue Garage, located just south of University Boulevard on Tyndall Avenue, for cars with four or more people, in an attempt to encourage carpooling and reduce congestion.
Gary Thomson, associate director of UA Parking and Transportation Services, said about 25 cars per game took advantage of the program last year but hopes the strike encourages more people to use it.
"People might be more open-minded now with the Sun Tran strike," Thomson said.
On-campus parking for cars containing fewer than four people, or cars with more than four people in other garages and lots, is $5 per car.
However, free parking for all cars is also available in Park Avenue Garage, located just north of Speedway Boulevard on Park Avenue, and in the 30-39 lot on Second Street, Thomson said.
Neither Tyndall Garage nor Park Garage is typically filled to capacity for a football game, Thomson said.
"There is ample parking that is in close proximity (to Arizona Stadium)," he said.
Although Sun Tran has been operating four regular bus routes on a limited schedule since the strike began Wednesday, these will be shut down over the weekend and will not be available for people traveling to the game.
Sun Tran officials did not know how many season passes have been sold for the shuttle, but said that holders of these passes will be reimbursed on a pro-rated basis based on the number of games the shuttle misses.
"Anybody who wants (a reimbursement should) hold onto their passes until the strike is over," Dyer said.