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Plan proposes south-campus expansion

By James Kelley
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday Apr. 24, 2002

Larger Student Recreation Center, more parking included in 15-20-year Comprehensive Campus Plan

An expanded Student Recreation Center and additional parking garages were some of the highlights of an updated version of plans for the future of the UA campus, particularly the southern part, as presented yesterday to various university department representatives.

The Comprehensive Campus Plan, a 15-20-year plan for University of Arizona expansion, was adapted by the Arizona Board of Regents in April 1988 and is currently being updated by the department of Campus and Facilities Planning and Ayer Saint Gross Architects and Campus Planners.

The plan divides the campus into precincts, and yesterday, the plans for Precinct 4, the southern part of campus, were unveiled.

A possible addition to the Student Recreation Center, 1400 E. Sixth St., would double the building's size. The expanded structure would feature a shared arena for club sports and intramurals.

At the corner of Sixth Street and Campbell Avenue, a non-academic building - possibly a retail complex - and a buffer zone with trees to better define the boundary are being planned.

There are few changes proposed for Precinct 1, the center of campus, the most significant calling for the construction of two residence halls near the east entrance of the Mall.

Scott Miller, a representative from the Baltimore-based architectural firm, presented the plan yesterday at the Student Recreation Center.

"The plans are not set in stone; they show what could be," Miller said. "The plans should not be taken literally. They are preliminary."

Redevelopment around Coronado Residence Hall, 822 E. Fifth St.; Arizona-Sonora Residence Hall, 910 E. Fifth St.; and the Architecture building, 1040 N. Olive Drive; would displace three of the most popular parking lots on campus and continue the campuswide trend of moving from surface lots to garages.

In order to compensate for the loss of surface spaces, parking garages are planned next to the Student Recreation Center, and on Mabel Street near the James E. Rogers College of Law.

Even though one proposed garage is near the Park Avenue Garage, 1140 N. Park Ave., developers feel the demand for parking is strong enough to support it.

South of Sixth Street, plans would be to connect the new parking garage to Arizona Stadium, 540 N. Vine Ave., for game-day access.

Planners will try to enhance the science area north of Sixth Street with open space and new buildings near the Highland District.

The Mathematics building, 617 N. Santa Rita Ave., and the Franklin Building, 1011 E. Fifth St., will likely be torn down and replaced because they are ineffective structures, Miller said.

"College of Science and College of Agriculture are probable candidates for the Sixth Street building," said Susan Bartlett, a campus and environmental planner.

In addition to the construction of a few new buildings and the renovation of the University Medical Center, the Health Sciences Center area will see the addition of a second grassy mall connecting the area to the original Mall, via a corridor through a new Speedway Boulevard underpass.

Because the campus plan would be stretched out over 15 to 20 years, officials do not except funding to be a problem.


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